Friday, February 12, 2010

Valentine's Day

The day devoted to love special. Valentine day's is a very special day for sweethearts-be it your lover, fiancee, wife, husband, brother, sister or anyone with whom you share special bond. It is the day to lock some wonderful memories fore ever in to your heart. It is about celebrating a special bond and to appreciate someone in a very unique and exclusive manner. These days this is given as much importance as other festivals, and many of us celebrate this day in Nepal. However, the perception of Valentine's day is different for every individual. No matter what your age is or to what part of the world u belong to, if you value love, togetherness ans heartfelt emotions, beside the gifts, cards and lovely red roses. And just keep in mid feelings are beyond the aroma of the lowers and the attention-grabbing words on a card. Someone's wallet does not compute the love he or she has for you.
Valentine Day is a day solely devoted to the love, warmth, affection and togetherness. it is the day to raise a special toast to a relationship that means the world to you. True love does not need a flower or a luminous diamond. It is more about the profundity of your love for someone in a very special manner. And for those friend's who do not have a Valentine, don't pull a long face. You can indeed have loads of fun even if there is no one special in your life to whom you can dedicate this day. Just go out for a party with all your single buddies and eat, drink and be merry. No one says that you can't celebrate Valentine's Day if you don't have a date . Ans you never know, you may arrive back home with the one you were looking for. So go out and explore. Just make yourself feel exclusive. Celebrate the day by pampering yourself and making your surrounding pleasant and beautiful.
Valentine's day is not about confining love to one day or measuring the depth of some one's love and affection in material term. It is just about devoting a day solely to all your loved ones. We should all be realize that the wrong connotation of love must not come into play when we talk of this special day. Love must be taken in its purest form and not liken it to lust of lowest level. This day has to give that spark of joy to light the heart of everyone through the sheer expression of love. It's Heart to All.

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